Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Most Overrated Films of the 90's

Here they are (in order of course)

1. Braveheart (1995)

I think that by now you should know from my last review that I hate old war epics. This is a prime example. It's stupid, almost as if it's just trying to prove to us that Mel Gibson is manly. If you want proof, see this. It's in the same genre as 300 and I think it's safe to assume that if you're going to see 300, you want to see blood and violence. There aren't many great fight scenes in Braveheart. In fact, there aren't any great scenes in Braveheart at all. This puts it just a notch below 300 in the scale of incredibility. Need I say any more than saying that this won Best Picture over The Usual Suspects, Casino, Babe and Sense and Sensibility?

2. Dances With Wolves (1990)

Kevin Costner's "western" managed to steal 7 Oscars from Goodfellas and (the technical ones) from the Hunt for Red October. The reason I put "western" in quotes is because a film about a man who fails at killing himself and accidentally leads his army to win a battle and then breaking a language barrier is not a western. The only reason you could call it a western is because of where it takes place. It is personally insulting to me that this waste of nearly 4 hours of my life beat out Goodfellas for Best Picture. Costner proves, once again, that he can't act but he also proves that he can't direct any bit better than any film student. Find me someone who has seen Citizen Kane and I'll show you that he can direct better than Costner. Oh yeah, forgot to tell you, he managed to win best director over Scorsese. Please don't ask me how he did because I am just as baffled about the fact that this long, sprawling, boring, stupid, cliched film won so many awards, or did it? It managed to get 7 at the Oscars but 0 at the BAFTA awards, 0 at the Cesar awards and 0 at the Cannes.

3. Scent of a Woman (1992)

Al Pacino Hoo-ha's his way to a Best Actor Oscar. An obvious compensation for not winning for the Godfather or Serpico or Dog Day Afternoon or anything he's ever done. This is much different from the two previous ones. I don't have a burning dislike for this film the way I dislike Dances With Wolves and Braveheart. I would never tell you not to see this film. It's just not as great as everyone says it is. A lot of people tell me that this is a 4 star film. I would give it around 2½ or maybe even 3. It tells the story of a high school student named Charles who is hired to babysit a blind veteran (Pacino.) Pacino lives his life and is a male version of Maude from the fantastic Harold and Maude. I think that maybe critics like this film so much because when Harold and Maude taught you to get high off of life, it was too risky for them to like it. Since Pacino is in this, its okay to like it....

Well, the 90's were a great time for film. You could argue that 1999 was a better year than the highly celebrated 1939. I personally think that 1999 was great because of the numbers. you can't beat having Magnolia, American Beauty, Being John Malkovich, The Cider House Rules, The Sixth Sense, The Green Mile, Boys Don't Cry, Election, Topsy-Turvy and the Matrix all in one year (and that's just American cinema.) On that note, I will finish this with only 3 films because I truly love the 90's films and can't figure out any "great films" that I don't like. See ya.

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