Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hellboy II: the Golden Army

The Cast/Crew:

Directed by Guillermo del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth)
Writted by Guillermo del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth)

The Basic Synopsis:

Hellboy (Ron Perlman) is on a team to fight paranormal stuff. He possesses super strength and thats he is extremely tough. Also on his team is Liz Scherman (Selma Blair.) She manipulates fire and gets lit on fire when she gets angry. They are dating and Liz is pregnant but Hellboy doesn't know yet. Also on the team is Abe Sapien (Doug Jones.) Think of C3PO as a fish and you get Abe. A new guy is joining the team because they are made public. At the same time, Hellboy has to stop an evil prince from summoning the indestructable army known as The Golden Army. We also encounter crazy beasts such as Tooth Fairies, and Trolls that live under the Brooklyn Bridge.

How it Turned Out:

Plot-wise, it's a B+ movie. Visually, it's a perfect A+. I haven't seen a film since Pan's Labyrinth that gives such an incredible, gothic and beautiful universe. Guillermo del Toro clearly did not hold back on that aspect of directing. Now, the other aspect of directing is telling your actors how to say their lines. He does not do very well here. There are some moments between Perlman and Jones that are horrendously bad. They go off the charts in corniness and are Razzie material. Back to the directing, his art direction is Oscar material. So far, he's beating out Wall-E and Speed Racer which are the 2 competitors so far. I know we're in the summer which is No Man's Land for film, but I think it has a good chance at getting a nod.

The Bottom Line:

3½/4 Stars. The most visually beautiful film in years. See it because it is much more than a lame superhero movie.

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