Sunday, June 29, 2008

Wall•E (2008)

The Cast/Crew:

Directed by Andrew Stanton (Finding Nemo)
Written by Andrew Stanton and Jim Capobianco (co-writer of Ratatouille)
Starring: Ben Burtt (WallE,) Ellissa Knight (EVE,) Jeff Garlin (Captain,) Fred Willard (Shelby Forthright)

The Basic Synopsis:

WallE is a robot on destroyed planet Earth. WallE condenses the mass amounts of garbage into little cubes with only the company of a cockroach. Life for WallE is very ordinary until he finds a plant and puts it in his collection of interesting items which he keeps in a garage-like structure. EVE comes to the Earth and, in short, WallE falls in love with EVE. EVE at first doesn't love WallE but eventually she warms up to him. Almost immediately after they fall in love, EVE finds WallE's plant and then stores in herself because her mission was to find plant-life on earth. EVE takes it to where she came from and WallE accidentally follows.

How it Turned Out:

It was, as a whole, incredible. Although approximately the first thirty minutes have little to no dialog, it was never boring and kept on bringing incredible imagery similar to that of 2001: A Space Odyssey. Speaking of how it is similar to 2001: A Space Odyssey, you should also know that the beginning segment with no dialog steals a good amount from City Lights. Don't let the fact that it steals from two of the best films ever stop you from seeing it. Go see it. You will not be disappointed.

What annoys me:

A decent amount of people out there are saying that this is the best animated film since Finding Nemo. I could not disagree more. There were a few films in between that were significantly better. Ratatouille kicks this in the butt and The Incredibles beats WallE out because young kids (the target audience) will definitely be bored of this very quickly.

What's incredible about it:

How it manages to maintain a very serious underlining theme without overdoing it. It doesn't hit you over the head with it either, it just lets you think what you want to think without forcing you to think it (I mean come on, it's not Crash.)

What's even more incredible about it:

Not talking about the animation here, but it looks incredible. During the scenes on earth, there are images that are will leave your mouth agape for almost the whole film. The director must have worked his butt off with the animators to create a beautiful, slightly frightening and oddly charming world.

The Bottom Line:

Check it out for the animation and the imagery. Besides the fact that it steals from classics, it's still fresh and great. 3½/4 Stars

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